Fix hard drive not showing up error

hard drive not showing up

One of the most memorable experiences you may encounter when using Seagate, Samsung or Toshiba external hard drive not showing up, which is beyond your imagination, it will not appear on your PC! Especially if you want to take some current affairs seriously, this kind of problem may be big trouble.

Although you may lose records or even the danger of the external drive itself due to these conditions, you should not be confused by these conditions, but there is no incentive to freeze. In this case, each possible hazard has a direct and necessary arrangement. These are raw but intense repair procedures, and you can use the most skilled methods to repair unrecognized intricate circles.

In this case, two kinds of worries usually arise: take the most proficient method to repair the undiscovered hard circles, and improve the documents lost due to the absence of the rigid board. You may need to consider many things in this process, but how do we deal with it slowly and carefully.

Steps on how to repair undetected hard drive

There may be several reasons why a hard disk cannot be distinguished from a PC. The problem may be a direct device problem, or it may be a problem with the drive and the recording itself. Here are some convenient solution answers that allow you to determine the type of problem and how to solve it.

#1 Plug the external hard crash into another USB port

If it can work on another port, then the problem may be that the USB port on your PC is exhausted. This is the most attractive situation because it will cause the least damage to your hard drive and the files in it.

#2 Plug the external hard crash into another PC

The different reasons why the PC cannot perceive the external hard drive may be similarity issues. Some hard drives may be inconsistent with certain kinds of working frames. If so, you can make a reasonable attempt on another PC, preferably using an alternate OS (if it is not recognized on a Mac, you can try to connect it to a Windows PC or Linux, and vice versa).

Even if you cannot see the external hard drive at all, you have the opportunity to obtain the following obvious advantages:

#3 Unmount the hard drive and then reassign the drive letter to the hard drive

  • Press Win key + R, then type Devmgmt.msc to dispatch the device manager.
  • Go to Universal Serial Bus controller> select the gadget with an unrecognized symbol.
  • Right-click it and sele “t “Uninst” ll.”
  • If your hard disk board appears “n “My Compu “er”/”This Compu “er” please follow the attempts below to reassign the drive letter to the hard disk drive.
  • This is done by completing File Traveler and select “g “This “PC.”
  • From the alternative method above, sele “t “Guide Network Dr” ve.”
  • Choose an unused drive letter and click “k “R” ad” to find your driver. After it is completed, you can complete the process, restart the PC, and then connect Seagate to the hard drive again.

03-drive-folder This is the problem. The arrangement finally quoted should be able to choose to solve your problem and make the hard drive obvious again. You may get a short saying that you must organize the circle in the industry: X before you can use it also.

You have to design the disk, but pleadon’tn’tpleadon’tn’t worry, you usualdon’tn’tusualdon’tn’t need to do this. When the hard drive is noticeable again, you can spend a lot of time using a product called Bitwar Data Recovery to recover the documents you need.

Suppose you need the rigid board to work as usual in the future. That ‘st’s when you may need to organize. However, unless otherwise notified, we should concentrate on getting your records back!

Steps to fix how to restore lost records after an undetected hard drive error

Documents can only be retrieved in a specific project called information recovery programming. Bitwar Data Recovery is a programming method that you can use effectively without spending money. Download the product and make a free preliminary record to start using it.

After the introduction of the program, you can take advantage of the direct benefit to recover inaccessible documents:

Stage 1: Select partition or drive

Since your hard drive is currently being displayed on your PC, it should show the segments recorded in this window and the inside of the industry. Just click on the hard drive and then click “k “N “xt.”

The second stage: select the scan mode

Choose a quick scan only because. It produces the fastest and can compensate your document with its unique record name and envelope structure.

The third stage: select the file type

This progress limits the output and makes it more agile in this way. You can tick only the information that needs to be restored urgently. Or, on the other hand, if you need almost all the records on the rigid board, you can essentially select t “e “Select All Ty “es” option and then click “k “S” an.”

Phase 4: Preview and restore

The scan will take a few minutes or more, depending on how many records the program can recognize. When paused, you can decide to view the documents to make sure they are still useful (especially for pictures and videos).

A useful component of this product is that you can retrieve the records you need badly without having to believe that the entire output will be completed. When you see the document, you can click “k “Recuper “te” and then quickly retrieve the record.

For such situations, you can set the target range for the ideal record and then save it! You have a history!

Stage 5: go too deep scan mode if necessary

However, if Quick Scan is not available, you may need to check the drive for partitions not covered by Quick Scan. This is the purpose of deep scanning. This output method has a far-reaching impact, but usually, it requires some investment, and the result will appear as a non-exclusive record name.

Steps to perform formatting to retrieve hard drive

  • After effectively recovering the information you need, you will be able to design under challenging circles to make it typical.
  • Press Win + R, then ty”e “Cont”ol” in t”e “”un” window.
  • Go “o “Control Pa” el” and search f “r “Board Managem” nt” in the search bar at the top corner.
  • Find management tools with titles: create and arrange challenging board assignments.
  • Right-click on the target rigid board and select Format

What if you have formatted the hard drive?

It just so happens that you have just organized your hard circle. You can use choo “e “Format Recovery M “de”, this scan mode can identify and compensate the lost records after design from the name itself. Tick ​​this alternative method, then cli “k “N” xt”, and then follow the method to recover.

In this case, you can basically set the target envelope for the ideal document and save it! Your file is back!

Stage 5: go to deep scan mode if necessary

However, if Quick Scan is not available, you may need to check the drive for areas not covered by Quick Scan. This is the purpose of deep scanning. This output mode has a wider impact, but in most cases, it takes a considerable amount of time, and the result will be displayed with a non-exclusive document name.

Steps to perform formatting to retrieve hard drive

After restoring s [Updated], other feasible solutions can fix errors without losing data

The reason whycan’tn’t distinguish between these PCs and the answers to hard problems is the end of this article. This is not to break the article development mentioned above, but another explanation is to make the arrangement a quick fix type. .

Note: Other PC functions are required for the strike layout, but please check the following steps carefully before choosing to perform. If you are curious about the activities that appear below, you can ask an expert to accompany or follow the guided practice to quit.

#4 Show hidden gadgets from device manager

  • Press Win key + X to highlight the dispatch shortcut from t “e “St “rt” menu. For Windows 7 users, you can squeeze Win Key + R and type devmgmt.msc
  • From then on, click the View tab on the menu bar and che “k “Show hidden devic “s.”
  • At this point, expand all hard drive gadget records to find if there are gadgets with light black symbols. Select them and uninstall.
  • Restart the PC and check if the problem is resolved.

#5 Change the Windows registry to solve the problem

  • Press Win key + R, then type Regedit.exe to distribute the registry editor.
  • Exploration method: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
  • Enhance the registry by selecti “g “F “le”> “Exp” rt”, then save the current settings to the desktop, and then delete t “e “UpperFilt “rs” a “d “LowerFilt “rs” paragraphs from the right panel.
  • Restart the computer and check if the hard drive is obvious.
  • If the arrangement does not work properly, open the Registry Editor again and choose File> Import to stack the rebars to be rebuilt.
  • After successfully obtaining the required information, you can group on the hard board to make it typical for use.
  • Press Win + R, then ty”e “Cont”ol” in t”e “”un” window
  • Go “o “Control Pa” el” and search f “r “Board Managem” nt” in the search bar at the top corner
  • Find management tools with titles: creating and laying out hard board segments
  • Right-click the target hard circle and choose Format

What if you have formatted the hard drive?

It is very unlikely that you have just designed a hard board. You can choo “e “Format Recovery M “de”. From the name itself, this scan mode can distinguish and compensate for lost documents after finishing. Tick ​​this alternative method, then cli “k “N” xt”, and then follow the method to recover.


Have you tried to use the convenient solution arrangement cited in this article to best fix the hard board that is not on your PC? Do you need to organize some documents? There is indeed a chance, at that time continue to introduce Bitwar Data Recovery! Compared with other programming, this is unusual, you can use this program for free to recover deleted petitions!

Why is my external hard drive not detected?

In Windows, this problem may be caused by partition problems, USB port failure, driver window conflicts, file system, invalid or outdated drivers. In the case of a USB flash drive or an external hard drive, you can solve this problem by following these steps: Step 1 You may have plugged the USB cable into a failed USB port.

Why is my hard drive not showing up in Windows?

Although outdated drivers always cause the hard disk to not be displayed in Windows at all, whether in File Explorer or Disk Management, it is possible to mark it as unallocated space in Disk Management. Another method you can try is to update the device driver, which I have explained in detail above.

How do I get Windows to recognize a new hard drive?

Go to Disk Management. Find the second hard drive, right-click it, and go “o “Change Drive Letter and P” th”. Go to Change and select the drive letter of the partition from the following drive letter assignment:. Click OK, close all windows and restart the computer.

How do I get Windows 10 to recognize a USB device?

After opening t “e “Device Mana “er”, navigate to t “e “Disk Dr” ve” section, right-click on your USB hard drive and sele “t “Uninstall Dev” ce”. After uninstalling the driver, restart the computer. When Windows 10 starts, connect your USB hard drive, this time Windows 10 should recognize it.

How do I manually detect a USB device?

To open the device manager, press the Windows key + R and type devmgmt. msc, and then press Enter. If you install a new USB device and Windows cannot detect the USB device, you can perform some quick tests to rule out potential problems. Open the device manager, and then disconnect the USB device from the computer.

How do I restore my hard drive to full capacity?

When the computer only recognizes the 32GB partition on the external or internal hard drive, the best way to restore it to its maximum capacity is to delete the 32GB partition and create a brand new partition on it: 1. Connect the external hard drive to the PC, and then Right-cli “k “Device Mana “er” and sele “t “Disk Managem” nt.”