What counts as a view on youtube 2020?

what counts as a view on youtube?
image credit: Intel Solutions

When it comes to earning well, do what you like, become famous, and be creative, only one answer comes to mind, that is – Youtube channel. Yes! Whether you are an art lover, an online tutor, a singer, or a tech expert, you can start a youtube channel and start earning. Of course, there are several conditions that youtube puts forward to its channel holders to gain profit. You must have a countable number of subscribers as well as thousands-to-millions of views on your videos on youtube. Many newbie YouTubers do not understand the concept behind “what counts as a view on youtube 2020?”

what counts as a view on youtube 2020
Image credit: Youtube

In this reading, we are going to present several essential aspects of “views on youtube.” Furthermore, you can also learn what counts as a view on youtube? Has youtube advanced in the context of views? And the most important, how to gain views on youtube? So, without any further ado, let’s get started on your journey to a famous youtube star in the following times:

What is a view on youtube?

A view on youtube defines how many times the audience in total watches your video. For example, if you add a youtube video on your channel. Further, you share it with your ten friends. Out of 10, only 3 open your video link and watch the entire video, two friends unlock the link and close it immediately, and the rest five do not open the link at all. It means your video will have five views only, but very limited watch hours/minutes. 

Not all views on youtube videos are legitimate. In order to gain instant success and money, several hackers use computer programs to increase views on youtube videos. But, youtube 2020 has advanced. Hence, youtube verifies all views on a video and only shows views that are authentic and comes from an original youtube user. 

what counts as a view on youtube 2020, all about youtube views
Image credit: youtube

What are watch hours on youtube?

When you start a youtube channel, youtube demands a minimum 4, 000 watch hours in 12 months in order to monetize your youtube videos. Yet, new YouTubers find the concept of watch hours very confusing. To begin with, 4, 000 watch hours means 240, 000 minutes. Now, watching hours on youtube means “for how many minutes/hours your audience has viewed all your videos in total.” 

Yet, there are a few conditions that youtube applies while calculating watch hours on youtube:

  • Youtube only counts watch hours on public videos. 
  • Not 100% watch hour counts among the youtube average watch hour compilation. 
  • Watch hours for private, unlisted, and deleted videos do not count.
  • Your videos must not violate the youtube partner program threshold policies. 
  • Videos with copyright issues do not count for watch hours. 
  • Sexual content or violent videos do not count for watch hours. 
  • Videos promoting via TrueCampaign do not count for watch hours. 
  • Videos with paid views or computer program pushed views do not count for monetization or watch hours. 

Hence, your videos must be original, non-violent, and intuitive on youtube. Even if you reach the watch hours limit on youtube to monetize your videos, youtube still goes through your youtube channel and examines for any type of policy violation. Thus, both youtube views and watch hours are important to succeed on youtube. 

how to monetise youtube account or channel
Image credit: youtube

What counts as a view on youtube 2020?

As mentioned before, a view on youtube defines how many times your video has been watched. But, it depends on the audience as well. For example, one viewer watches your video 10 times, this would not lead a total of 10 views. One audience counts as a single viewer only, irrespective of how many times he/she watches your video. Moreover, youtube is a simple, yet, a complex platform. Not all views on youtube lead to youtube view count. 

The following are some conditions that youtube has set for calculating legitimate views on youtube. Here’s what counts as a view on youtube 2020?

  •  Views only count for the video opened by actual human users and not computer programs or hacking devices.
  • Your video is opened by viewers worldwide more frequently.
  • Only views validated by youtube counts. 
  • Frozen views do not count.
  • Low-quality playback views do not count.
  • Ad-based youtube video may or may not count depending on watch hours. 
  • Views on TrueView Campaign youtube video do not count. 

Now, in the given conditions, you may find some terms confusing or unknown. Here is what you need to learn!

What are frozen views on youtube?

By definition, frozen views are the views on your youtube video which do not appear as soon as a person sees your video. To begin with, not all frozen views are bad news. Youtube 2020 examines each view specifically. Thus, views do not appear as soon. Instead, youtube verifies whether a view is authentic. Hence, if a view is authentic, it will appear in your youtube analytics within hours. If not, that view will remain frozen. 

what is youtube channel dashboard
Image credit: youtube

What are fake views on youtube?

Following are considered non-legitimate or fake views on youtube:

  • Bot-generated views.
  • Views from the same IP Address.
  • Paid views from the audience
  • More than 100 views generated from the same link going around social media such as Whatsapp.
  • Views from the same account using different devices such as Smartphones, laptops, and TVs.
  • Views that do not generate any watch hours.
  • Youtube Views on ad-based videos without any click on the ad. 
  • Views on videos that are not eligible for ads – pre-roll, mid-roll, or any other ad. 

What are TrueView Video Ads?

TrueView Video ads on youtube are a third-party campaign that allows a YouTuber to put his/her youtube video as an ad. Thus, it is a quick way to generate views on specific youtube videos. But, a view generated by TrueVideo in-stream video ads depends on the following conditions:

  • the audience/user must have watched the ad for 11 to 30 seconds.
  • A user must have clicked on the ad or interacted with the ad. 
  • If the ad is over 30 seconds long, the minimum watch hour must be 30 seconds by the user/audience.
what are ads on youtube?
Image credit: youtube

If you have paid-promote your video via TrueView Video discovery ads, a view is counted on youtube 2020 only when a user interacts with the ad (i.e.. Click on an ad) and the video has started playing. 

How to check real views on youtube 2020?

Check out the following instruction guide to check views on youtube 2020: 

  • Go to https://www.youtube.com.
  • Click on the icon on the left side. 
  • Now, go to the “Youtube Studio” option.
  • Your youtube channel dashboard will appear on the screen.
  • On the right side of the screen, click the “Analytics” option, and click on it.
  • Youtube analytics will open on the screen.
  • You can view how many views you have received in the past 1 hour to 28 days.
Image credit: youtube
image credit: youtube

Note: To monetize a youtube video or channel, you must have 1,000 subscribers on your channel. To boost subscribers on youtube, your channel must reflect frequent visits from the audience and a good number of views on the video available publicly on your channel. 

Tips to gain views on youtube

  • Use SEO Techniques: To improve views on a youtube video, add keywords in the title to gain a high-end audience from Google search. Research high-end keywords on SEO tools and get hold of titles that are getting search by millions. Putting these keywords in your title will redirect google audience to your video.


  • Follow trends: Day-to-day several topics trend on google. These trends also reflect on audience search on youtube. For example, recently one plus digital tv has gone trending on google. Therefore, millions of users on youtube searched to view OnePlus’ latest digital TV. Hence, you can create a tech video describing the best features of Oneplus smart TV. 


  • Add Tags: Tags work differently as compared to SEO keywords. Tags specifically describe what your video is about. Also, they help you to set your video up for a particular topic, brand, company, profession, digital category, and whatnot. 
  • Create an attractive thumbnail for the youtube video: A youtube video thumbnail is the display image that a user will see without clicking on your video. An attractive youtube thumbnail creates curiosity among users and they click to see what’s in the video. You can use youtube thumbnail software that allows you to create amazing thumbnails for youtube. Although, they are different from youtube banners. 


  • Education or Entertainment: According to the history of youtube, two types of youtube channels generate an audience swiftly. 

These two are education channels and entertaining channels. If you are a teacher, tech expert, career counselor, or speak several languages, you can create a youtube channel and share your wisdom with the upcoming youth. This will help them in so many ways. Above all, Youtube’s conversion rate for educational channels per view is much more than regular entertaining videos. 


In conclusion, youtube is a widespread platform that remains 100% helpful for both users and YouTubers. If you are well-known for creative work, photography, or anything worth learning, youtube is the platform to gain popularity for your work. We recommend you focus on creating amazing content on youtube rather than particularly focusing on what counts as a view on youtube 2020? If your video is amazing and helpful, all viewers will interact genuinely.