Replacing Cabinet Hardware. Installing cabinet hardware is a simple and cost-effective cabinet makeover. We’ll walk you through the process for how to replace custom or outdated hardware as well as how to fill and hide screw holes.
Cabinet hardware may not be the most important kitchen project, but it’s worth investing in for both form and function. Below, we’ll show you how to install new hardware and properly fill screw holes – from start to finish. This quick DIY task should give your cabinets a much-needed refresh.
Table of Contents
Buying Guide
When buying hardware for your kitchen, think about what’s practical and not what looks cool. Shimmering knobs or flowers-shaped handles might look intriguing, but they’re not practical for a kitchen that needs to be hardworking.
Choose knobs with rounded corners, which will prevent injury if there is contact. Metallics are always the safest option and go with any color, so they’ll be the best choice when you need something to match your walls.
What You Need
- Insert screwdriver
- Wood putty
- Putty Knife
- A damp cloth, or sponge
- You’ll find a hardware installation jig or template as part of your kit.
- Scrap wood (x3)
- An example of kitchen hardware
- A pencil
- Drill and drill bit.
Screws are fitting for construction needs. They come as a set of two and can be found at hardware stores all over the country.
Step 1: Fill and Camouflage Screw Holes
First, move the hardware from the old door to the new one and loosen the screws on the back of the door. Next, select a wood-filling putty that best matches your cabinet. When filling holes in wood grain, buy three different shades of putty—one that matches light grain, one for dark grain, and one for the wood that falls between those two shades.
Mix together a bit of each until you have a hue as close to your resurfaced cabinet as possible.
To fill a hole in wood, apply a small amount of putty using your finger. Push it around to fill the gap.
Editor’s Tip: After mixing the putty and baking soda together, let some of it dry before applying it to your cabinets. This will give you a chance to see if the color changes. Make any necessary adjustments before continuing.
Step 2: Mark Drill Holes or Build a Jig
Hold the template from a hardware installation kit up to the edge of your cabinet, making pencil marks where the template circles match up with your kitchen cabinet door handles.
Editor’s Tip: When you’ll be drilling holes in a lot of cabinets, it can help to have a jig. Make your own cabinet hardware installation template with a scrap piece of wood, then mark and drill the pilot holes all at once. To line up your jig precisely with the cabinets, attach two short boards to the long and short sides of the jig, meeting in the corner. This is where you should rest the side of the cabinet door for accurate measurements.
Step 3: Drill Pilot Holes
When attaching handles, attach a drill bit that corresponds with the size of your handles screws. Take into account which type of screw you’ll be using when choosing the appropriate bit for pilot hole. If your pilot hole is as wide as your screw threads, the screw will not hold well.
Carefully drill into the pencil marks and make sure you don’t slip, which might cause damage to the cabinet. If you’re using a homemade jig, line it up with the cabinet corner and carefully drill through the template hole and cabinet door. Be sure to use steady, even pressure.
Editor’s Tip: It can be tricky to get your cabinet hardware installed on the first try. A good way to prepare is to drill a few practice holes on some scrap wood before installing it on your actual door.
Step 4: Attach New Hardware
If your wooden kitchen cabinet doors need new hardware, then follow these steps:
-Hammer a pilot hole onto the corresponding areas of your new hardware.
-Place the screws through and secure them to the other side. Do this for each individual door until they’re all attached, then enjoy your new hardware!