Top 4 Leading Companies That Provide AV Solutions

Provide AV Solutions

The impact of integrated audio-visual solutions on the corporate world is growing each day. Most companies are investing in innovative AV systems to ease their meeting room experience.  Due to the increase in demand for innovative AV solutions, it’s not surprising to see that the audio-visual gadgets industry is expected to increase by an exponential sum of $75 billion between 2019 – 2023. Which companies are the pioneers of the audio-visual revolution? How have their gadgets influenced the market and corporate world? Keep reading to find out. In this article, we’ll review the top four companies that provide AV solutions. 


This company was established in the United States of America in 1957. Since that time, it has developed from a company with just 3 people to a multinational firm with about 9,000 employees and branches in over 50 countries. They designed gadgets and accessories that enhance audio-visual engagement. Their electronic solutions are aimed at video surveillance, enterprise networks, and so on. 


AVI-SPL was established to provide reliable AV solutions for companies in different parts of the world. Their job is to design technical products and specially tailored equipment to suit organizational needs. Since its inception in 1979, AVI-SPL has transformed into a large-scale organization with branches in Canada, the UK, Germany, UAE, and other top metropolitan areas. 


Established in 1993, Diversified aimed to provide technical and electronic solutions to audio-visual, broadcast, and IT markets. Now, this company has expanded its scale and is currently providing AV control systems that integrate the media equipment of businesses. They offer services to businesses in different sectors.

New Era Technology

Just like its name suggests, New Era Technology is an innovative technical service provider. Their job is to offer consultation, training, and media integration services for companies. Despite just being founded in 2013, they have produced state-of-the-art AV solutions that have focused on data networking, professional services, security, and so on. 

Final Thoughts

That’s all on the top companies that provide AV solutions for small and large organizations. These companies produce various techniques and products to handle audio-visual integration and support smoother processes. Click here to see more on the importance of AV solutions.