Tips to get more Instagram followers

Tips to get more Instagram followers for free

To all those musicians, artists, budding actors, influencers, and every other aspiring artist who is waiting for just that little exposure to make his or her mark, Instagram is that little platform that can do wonders in your life. It brings you and your talent forward to all those who value it, and in return, you get exposure and fame. Tips to get free followers and likes.

This does not stop here, because if you have a decent number of real active Insta followers and likes on your Instagram account, then you could be getting brand collaborations and work with those established artists whom you have dreamt of just being with. These are the capabilities of such a platform.

Instagram seems to be such a glorious and opportunity giving platform, but at the same time, there are just millions of people on it and lakhs and lakhs of different artists on it and thousands of artists of the field same as yours. So, the competition is strong, and it’s difficult to thrive here as well. 

But nothing is impossible, and so there are always some ways in which you can get that reach and get free Instagram followers.

Tips to get free followers and likes for Instagram

Here are some tips using which you can get more Instagram followers without spending even a single penny: –

  • Try to share your life as well

Whenever you want to create a profile of yourself and an image, you need to keep your followers updated about all the happenings in your life, and for this, you should be posting your pics, wherever you are going, whomever you are meeting. For an artist of a particular genre, it may seem irrelevant, but that’s how it works on Instagram, and so you need to do it, to get more followers.

  • Plane your content

Take your time to just brainstorm ideas and themes on which you should be posting your upcoming posts. You also have to plan before that which thing you will be posting when so that it becomes a bit relevant to the time and so that you could get the right reach, which would, in turn, fetch you more and more likes and followers.

  • Post well-composed images and videos

It is necessary that your profile looks clean and smart, and to achieve that, you need to have all your posts to be of high quality. The pics you upload should never be blurry. Pics and videos should be crystal clear and unpixellated shots. Low quality content can never get you much engagement. Posting bad quality content can also cost you some followers.

  • You need to use some Instagram tools

With your Instagram account being a business page, there come certain inbuilt tools to help you out. One such tool is called the Analytics, which shows you every bit of information related to your account. From the engagements, likes, follow, reach, and various other things that can help you out with this. The analytics also show you at what hours of the day, your followers are active on Instagram, what is the age group of your audience and various other important details.

  • Make your posts interactive

You need to make your posts interactive by having questions or certain tasks involved in the stories. This will make your followers comment on your posts, share them, reply to your stories, and all these help to make connections and interactions between you and your audience. 

  • Choose proper tags and hashtags

Tags and hashtags are the correct way to get the most organic reach and to choose the correct and relevant hashtags, and tags are very much important.

If you are looking to boost your presence on Instagram and get free Instagram followers more quickly, then you need a tool like Growthoid, Kicksta, and Upleap – GetInsta, the best app to boost your followers on Instagram for free.

Steps to use GetInsta to get free followers and likes for Instagram:

GetInsta works on all 3 main platforms: Android, iOS, and Windows. Take the steps on Android phones for example.

Step 1: Download GetInsta app and install it on your Android device.

Step 2: Create an account and log in GetInsta. When you log in, you’ll get some coins instantly, with these coins you can buy followers and likes any time.

Tips to get more Instagram followers for free

Step 3: Add an Instagram accounts to get started, and you can add 5 Instagram accounts totally.

get free followers and likes

Then you will get free followers and likes followers instantly. 

How to Get More Free Followers & Likes for Your Instagram Accounts

If you want more free Instagram followers and likes, you need to get more coins. Check the following steps to earn more free coins. 

Step 1: Log into your account on GetInsta.

Step 2: Tap on “Get Coins” and you will see the like and follow task published by others. Liking a post will give you 20 coins instantly. You can skip any coin tasks you don’t like them. 

get free followers and likes

Step 3: Tap on the button Follow, you’ll get 100 coins immediately.

Tips to get more Instagram followers for free

How to Buy Instagram Followers and Likes with Money

Besides getting followers and likes with coins, you can also buy followers and likes directly with money in GetInsta app. 

Step 1: Log into your account on GetInsta app.

Step 2: Click “Buy” at the bottom of the screen and select an Instagram account that you want to increase its followers or likes. Then tap on “Buy Followers” or “Buy Likes” to get Instagram followers or likes with money.

Main features of GetInsta: 

– 100% safe and clean, no virus, no data leak

– Fully compatible with all Android & iOS phones, and Windows computers

– Totally free, unlimited followers

– No password, no survey, without money

– 100% real and active users, high-quality, and totally free followers and likes

– Instant and reasonable delivery, changes will be seen gradually in 24 hours

– Support 16 multi-languages