How to become independent in 2021 (financial & mental tips)

independent in 2021 (financial & mental tips)

independent in 2021 (financial & mental tips)

Sooner or later, we all reach a point where the desire to become independent from parents becomes irreversible and materializes with questions that do not let us breathe: how can I become independent without money? How can I leave my home? start living alone? How to achieve financial freedom that allows me to become independent?

If you have reached this point in your life and cannot wait to become independent, we invite you to read the following article in which we will share with you several tips that we hope will serve as a source of inspiration to start living alone or alone in the best possible way. possible way.

What does it mean to become independent?

The first thing you have to understand is that the process of becoming independent contains an idea that goes far beyond the simple fact of leaving the parents’ house. In fact, achieving personal independence is what defines the true beginning of adulthood and maturity of a person.

In other words, becoming independent means achieving that financial, emotional, professional and intellectual freedom that allows a person to be self-sufficient in all the most important aspects of his life.  

In addition to the above, it is important to note that the process of becoming independent can begin long before achieving independence from parents. Independence, indeed, has a lot to do with the mental autonomy that we develop throughout our lives and having this is essential when starting to live independently. 

Guarantee your financial security

If you do not have stable sources of income, it will be impossible for you to become independent. For this reason, it is essential that you have them and that you start saving at least 10% of your monthly income. Do you want to increase the revenue? Then you should focus on the latest trends in the digital world. For instance, do you love playing games? Then start streaming. Buy Twitch followers and stay very active on the platform. Engage with the fans and people that watch your stream no matter the time. So, it’s an easy way to create a tribe (fan-base) and monetize them with influencer marketing

Develop and practice your assertiveness

An assertive person is a person who expresses his opinion firmly, without hesitation. For this reason, we advise you to develop your assertiveness in different circumstances as this will be very useful when making decisions in your life, especially when it comes to starting to live alone or alone.

Keep your authenticity

To achieve a good level of mental autonomy, it is essential that you decide to live a life that responds to your own needs and remains true to who you really are. Remember that you can never feel comfortable trying to live other people’s lives or dreams.

Get a place to live

Although it sounds obvious, it is impossible to consider yourself an independent person if you still live at home with your parents. You can be a professional and have your own income but as long as you continue to live with your parents, you will never be truly independent.

Buy your own vehicle

If you live in a central place in a big city, you will surely be able to get around by public transport. However, having your own vehicle is something that gives you freedom since you will never depend on anyone to go where you want. In addition to this, having a car involves some responsibilities that will help you mature as a person.