Can You Get a Pet Prescription from a Vet Online?

Pet Prescription from a Vet Online

Pet Prescription from a Vet Online

We all know it takes a lot to be a good pet parent. Whether you are looking after a cat or a dog, or both, it can take up your energy and time. It’s important to have a trusted veterinarian that you can easily call. Well, did you know that vets who work with VetMatrix are available for virtual consults? Even vet prescription are now accessible online!

Since the pandemic began, virtual visits became our new normal. Telemedicine, sometimes called “telehealth,” makes it possible to connect with a medical expert over the phone, email, or a video call. Consults happen similarly as they do in person – with a diagnosis and prescription. Be sure to back up virtual consultations by investing in pet insurance, which ensures the best care for your companion.

However, veterinary medicine is more hands-on. Our beloved pets can’t necessarily communicate their feelings and symptoms. So it took a while for it to gain traction. But this doesn’t mean it’s not effective! Moreover, many pets show tantrums when going to visit a vet, even if given a treat.

Thanks to services like Vetmatrix and online vet clinics, veterinary telemedicine is made easy. Sign-ups from vet clinics recently increased. 

What Are The Veterinary Services Being Offered Online?

  • Remote Consultations 

The American Veterinary Medical Association has a telemedicine policy that remote consultations are only with existing pet patients that the vet has physically examined within the past year. Whether it is through email, phone, or video call, the vet takes full responsibility as they would in person. This ranges from diagnosing ailments, prescribing medication, or even treatment.

  • Schedule Appointments

Services like VetMatrix use a Pet Portal wherein clients can view scheduled appointments and even request future appointments. This way, pet parents can block off those time slots in their schedule and prepare for the teleconsult session. Scheduled appointments are especially helpful for pets that need regular check-ups or other non-urgent matters.

  • Complete Online Forms

Vets request that pet owners always fill up (online) forms on their website, and VetMatrix offers this within their secure pet portal as well. Completing these forms make it easier and faster for the vet to get to know the pet owners. For more, the pet portal means that your information is always accessible and kept confidential.

  • General Advice for Mild Conditions

Online consults are enough for the vet to offer general advice if you observe unusual symptoms in your pet. Calls or texts will suffice to offer at-home care that will make your pet comfortable for the time being, or until you can get your hands on prescription medicine or a physical check-up.

  • Teletriage Services

Teletriage services are available 24/7 for times when your dog suddenly has diarrhea or a mild infection. Though online consults may suffice for non-urgent concerns, it’s best to know the nearest emergency vet you can contact or visit in case of emergency. 

While the pandemic is still ongoing, vet centers have a skeletal work force. This means staggered appointments and offering curbside pickup for pets. Keep in mind that some clinics with a high number of coronavirus cases may restrict in-person exams to ill animals and emergency cases only. 

It’s definitely best to take part in telemedicine for your beloved pet. For mild conditions, your vet should be able to write an online prescription after your appointment.