How to Plan and Prepare for Major Competitive Exams

Competitive Exams

Major Competitive Exams

 With competition rising every year, aspirants appearing for  are required to up their games. Any minor slack in the preparation strategy is sure enough to be the difference between selection and rejection. With the stakes increasing to a whole new level, it is imperative that students take every little factor into consideration. Let’s take a look at how you can plan and prepare for such competitive exams and excel with impressive results.

Designating the perfect measure of time to various segments is an approach to excel in any test. It is important to distinguish segments that you are powerless in and give additional chances to them. It is said that a limit of six to seven hours of every day study is sufficient to break any test, yet it is vital that these hours be put to the best of utilization with full fixation. Our mind is generally dynamic during the early morning hours, and this is the right time to go through general/current affairs and also for rules in grammars as well as comprehensive reading.

  • Attempt Mock Tests Regularly

Go through the important highlighted points and prepare short notes of major tricks and formulas separately for revision. The most common mistake that an aspirant makes is that of not attempting regular mock tests of the relevant exam, along with its detailed analysis. 

Attempt the latest practice or mock tests as it will help you not only in improving your accuracy and speed but also give you an idea of where you stand amidst the rest of the aspirants. Taking a mock test enables you to keep a check on your speed and accuracy, providing you a summary of your performance and highlighting your strengths and weaknesses at the same time.

  • Focus on A Singular Goal

A lot of candidates start their preparation aiming to get a Government job and therefore, they try to prepare for multiple competitive exams like RRB, SSC, Banking exams etc. Well, this is a wrong practice and a recipe for failure. A candidate must single out the exam he plans to crack and should focus his efforts and preparation towards acing it.

Expecting that the greater part of the prospectus is comparable, applicants set out on their readiness journey with both of their feet on two unique boats, just to wind up suffocating. This is a significant oblivious slip-up that many meriting competitors submit to all year every year, dismissing the fact that various tests have differentiating contrasts in test design, level of difficulty, schedule contrasts, and require various degrees of procedure.

  • Steer Clear of Guesswork

Prominent nationwide written tests such as IBPS PO, SSC CGL, IAS Exam and so on, have negative marking as a penalty for wrong answers. Therefore a candidate should only attempt the questions which he/she is completely sure about. Random guesswork will not work here, and more often than not, it will end up in you losing one-fourth or 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer. Intelligent guesswork like eliminating incorrect options could work for some questions, but has its limitations.

  • Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers Thoroughly

Previous year question papers give us an outline of the test. Explaining them gives an up-and-comer an idea of the pattern of questions and trends in the weightage of various subjects in each part. Subsequent to endeavoring earlier year papers, competitors should commit a legitimate investigation of the errors submitted by them, make a note of the regions they need to chip away at, and should consolidate changes in their arrangement procedure to improve their presentation.

  • Losing Touch of Already Learnt Topics

As applicants proceed onward with the syllabus, completing one point and moving to the following one, they will in general fail to remember some fundamental subtleties or ideas with respect to past sections. In this way, it is advisable to return to these ideas and a decent hold on them, as it occurs on occasion that ideas and essentials of a section are utilized or structure the establishment of another. So, a stark understanding of fundamental concepts in each topic is important to crack any major exam.

  • Leveraging the Benefits of Online Learning 

Online learning platforms like Testbook, Khan Academy and many more have started offering interactive features like discussion forums, chatrooms, email and more to encourage more interaction between the students and instructors, and also among students. As expected, the number of Online portals, online courses and online mentors has shot up exponentially in recent times, all in hopes of milking this latest trend in education. Any student willing to learn and grow can access various online resources available or can attend classes from any geographical location at any time, and all that he/she needs is an internet connection and a computer/smartphone.

Internet learning is much more affordable than the customary learning, as it spares an understudy from costs, for example, transportation costs, purchasing of books and study material and so on To go to an online class, an understudy doesn’t need to visit any grounds, this is exceptionally advantageous for the understudies with inabilities. Management of time is another factor in the lives of students that E-learning helps them with.