How quarantine restrictions have affected the most popular Universities in the world

quarantine restrictions

The news about Covid-19 came as a surprise to many people across the globe. The spread of this disease caused several countries to close their borders, issue quarantine restrictions and suspend all operations in educational institutions. This resulted in enormous losses for both students and universities themselves. This article will continue to talk about the effects of Covid-19 on the most popular universities in the world.

  • Shift to Online Classes- quarantine restrictions

Shifting to online classes was a big change for students among quarantine restrictions were used to sitting in physical classrooms with their teachers and classmates. The main concern here was whether all the material that had been planned for during the academic year would be covered now that all lectures are delivered remotely via video conference apps such as Zoom or Google Classroom.

However, this wasn’t so much of an issue since most institutions have done everything they can to make sure their class schedules remain relatively unchanged (in terms of what material gets covered). As a result, many universities decided that it was best to extend the duration of courses instead of cutting out any part of it. This means students not only get to cover everything on their syllabus, but they can also do so at their own pace.

For example, finance students don’t have to worry about traveling to take their tests for exams. They can take them online under the supervision of a proctor. For the accounting homework help online, if you are in need, you can always get help from a finance homework helper to do your assignment or other coursework.

  • Decrease in International Students

International schooling has been on the decline since the pandemic started. Universities are feeling the pressure as a result of this decrease in students. Schools such as Oxford and Cambridge have seen a significant drop in international students, who make up more than 60% of their student population. This is mainly due to visa restrictions that have made it difficult for students from other countries to study in the UK.

Other schools around the world are seeing a similar trend. The University of California system has lost over 12,000 international students, while New York University has lost nearly 4000. These numbers are likely to continue to rise as governments put even more stringent travel restrictions into place.

  • Financial Problems for Many Universities

This departure of international students is causing severe financial problems for many universities. Tuition from international students is a significant source of revenue for universities, and that income has dried up.

The loss of foreign-student tuition could cost colleges in the United States billions of dollars this year. According to estimates from NAFSA: Association of International Educators, U.S. universities lost $19 billion last spring because international students couldn’t come after the pandemic began and will lose another $41 billion if those students don’t return in the fall — with some schools facing losses as high as 50% or more.

  • Travel Restrictions

There are many ways to curb the spread of the virus, but some methods are more controversial than others. One such method is travel restrictions. This involves limiting the movement of people in and out of certain areas in an attempt to contain the outbreak.

The effectiveness of travel restrictions is a topic of debate amongst experts. While some believe that they are necessary to stop the spread of the virus, others argue that they are not effective and can make things worse.

One area where travel restrictions have been implemented is university. Many universities worldwide have imposed travel bans for both students and staff members.

This has had a significant impact on universities all over the world. Some schools have seen a decrease in enrollment, while others have had to cancel classes or close down completely.

As a result of the travel restrictions, universities have had to develop creative ways to continue teaching their students. Many schools are using online tools and platforms to teach their students remotely.

Final Word

Even though the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many problems for universities worldwide, many have found ways to continue teaching their students. Some universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, have been forced to move lectures online, while others like Harvard have canceled classes for the remainder of the semester. However, all universities feel the effects of this pandemic in one way or another. Hopefully, once the pandemic ends, all universities will resume their everyday operations.